Thursday, May 7, 2009

June 10th.. a fabulous day for a birthday!

Okay not really.. but close enough.

Jacob (middle name to be withheld until birth as it's a surprise) Zdziebkowski will be born on June 10th, 2009.

I had my usual OB appointment on Tuesday and she came waltzing in and said "Hey Christine.. did you know your date is set for the 3rd of June?" Imagine the SHOCK on my face because umm, that was less than a month away! Holding the tears in I managed a choked out "oh wow, that's really soon.. sounds good!" Inside I'm thinking "HOLY SHIT, NOT ENOUGH TIME!"

I was up a half pound from 2 weeks ago.. progress! BP was perfect as was his heartbeat. When Dr. Bigus was listening to his heart the little twerp punched her and sent the transducer into the air. Poor Dr didn't know what to think, and I said 'yeah, he always does that'. My next appointment is set for May 19th and I have a bunch of questions about my c-section for her.. since I delivered at a different hospital last time with 5 days notice of a c/s. hrumph.

Anyway, I was on the way home bawling my eyes out. My phone rang but didn't recognize the number so i ignored it and it was the doctor calling me back. She told me that she looked over the ultrasound from the specialist I saw the prior Thursday and said "Yeah, okay... due to conflicting dates from them and us, we'll just make your c-section on the 10th" Relief! That's more than a month away, and I felt better :) I go back to the fetal specialist on the 2nd of June for a fetal echocardiogram as they saw a bright spot on his heart. Calcium deposit they called it, nothing for concern but they just want to make sure it didn't get bigger/develop into anything more. Yeah, I have small kids with heart shadows/spots.

We're getting pretty far on the painting. All the primer is done, and most of one wall is done with the last paint coat. Our brushes were still wet yesterday so we couldnt' continue on.. boo. I have sooo much I still need to get, but luckily I got a coupon book in the mail for Babies R Us for a bunch of the stuff we still need (diapers, wipes, medicines, sheets, blankets, etc). We're pretty good on clothes but I want to have some preemie sized and more NB sizes just in case since I was so unprepared last time.

The mood swings have been hitting full force lately so my little family is getting the brunt of it. I feel bad, but can't help it. The last few weeks of pregnancy suck major ass. I'm reminded with every step I take why Jacob is my last baby!

Anyway, here's a little pic spam of the nursery thus far... I'm starving and need to feed the fetus.
yes, using an actual roller to paint. Well, at least for the pic anyway :)

helping daddy tape
that cliche nursery belly pic


1 comment:

  1. "Need to feed the fetus" that made me LOL.

    I can't wait to see the finsihed nursery and meet little Jacob.
