Saturday, May 9, 2009

He surprised me!

All I can say is a BIG YAY for my hubby!

I went to work Thursday night and he was painting. He told me he'd do about half the room that night, and finish it this weekend. Well I got home and he lead me to the nursery and flipped the light on and said SURPRISE! It was DONE!!!!! It looks perfect and just screams boy. I love it.

I figured I'd do my own little surprise yesterday while he was working and almost gutted Lizzy's entire room. Her room has since been used for storage and she had no room to walk around, let alone play. I should have taken a before pic, I really should.. Damn. But anyway..

I sorted all the clothes (minus a bag) into bags for trash/goodwill/craigslist selling. Made a huge overflowing box of trash, moved stuff around, and just got it uncluttered. It looks FABULOUS now and I can't wait to finish it today. After that we just need to take the bags/boxes to goodwill and move the furniture from Liz's room to the nursery- since she still has all the nursery furniture in her room. It's going to look so bare in there but I've been stalking craigslist to find some cheap 2nd hand storage stuff since it will get ruined anyway. I plan on making her a little 'chill' corner with her TV (maybe a new one for Christmas), her couch and chair and some pillows. We'll see.

I'm also going to disassemble her toddler bed (wah) and move her to the bottom bunk of the bunk beds. It's a full bed, and I really dont' want to, but don't feel like spending another $80 + on a crib matress when we have a perfectly good one from Lizzy and she'd always wanted to sleep on the 'big bed'. I'm looking for sheets at Target tonight to liven up that bed, since the top bunk has dora sheets and all, and the bottom bunk has stars.

I can't believe I have 31 days to go.. just a month. OMFG

Tomorrow is mother's day and I'm not happy about that at all. I say piss on mother's day, but that's my bitterness comming through. I'll be sending the yearly balloon up to my mom. Much rather see her and give her the balloon but we all know that ain't gonna happen.

Happy Mother's Day to me

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