Monday, May 4, 2009

Beware the wrath of a pregnant woman

I forgot exactly how bitchy you can get towards the bitter end of a pregnancy. I'm 35 weeks on Wednesday, and I'm to the point where I want to throw in the towel and beg for mercy. Yesterday I woke up around 9, had breakfast with the kiddo, and I fell asleep at 10 for another hour!!! I felt so guilty and apologized a lot to my poor little girl, who patted my knee and said "It's okay mommy, you're tired- get some sleep" (how did I end up with such a sweetie?) If that's not bad enough, I took ANOTHER nap later in the afternoon after Jim got home from work. I felt like the laziest preggo in the world. Luckily Jim knows not to bother me so I got away with 2 naps in one day. Crazy. Poor guy though, he's really putting up with a lot from me. Every night we snuggle for about 10 minutes before he rolls over and falls asleep, and I grunt and groan and flip myself over like a damn hamburger on a grill to try and get comfortable enough to doze off. Well last night he fell asleep while we snuggled and it irritated me so much that I yelled at him to just roll over and get off me. I can't wait for evil bitch to go away!

Today is just as nasty and cloudy and rainy as yesterday. It really puts a damper on my mood and makes me even more tired. I never sleep past 8:30 usually, and today was a 9:45 wakeup. I hope I don't make a habit of this, but I should enjoy it while it lasts- since in 5 weeks or less I won't get to enjoy sleep anymore.

5 weeks.. holy crap. I can still remember going to Target and buying that first pregnancy test 2 pack. I still remember peeing in the cup and dipping the stick and seeing that 2nd line. Now I have only 5 weeks to go. Where did that time go? They say consecuitive pregnancies go quicker since you're busy with your other child(ren), but damn, I didn't think it was THAT fast! Tomorrow I have my LAST of the every 2 week appointments.. I go back on the 19th and it's EVERY week after that! The end is near.. I can almost taste it. I get my c-section date tomorrow as well.. so will really be able to see the end. I wonder how small he's going to be? I had a little 5lb 13ozer at full term with Lizzy and they're saying he's on the small side like her. Wonder if he'll be similar or a little bigger? I have a few preemie outfits, but should stock up on a few more just in case.

I still have SO much to do until he gets here. (Which is why I sit here blogging instead of doing anything else) Half of his nursery is primered.. we need to finish the other side of the room with primer, then paint. After we paint we can move the furniture in. I still need to clean OUT the crib and changing table and armoire (all being used by Liz still- the crib is a big storage bin of old clothes and toys). I can't help but procrastinate on that though. I need to drag the bassinett, swing, and bouncer out of the shed as well. We still need a pack and play, and the basics (towels, sheets, blankets, medicines, breast milk storage, socks and onesies) It just seems like it will never get done in as little as 5 weeks! Grrrrowl!

I guess I should end this and finish painting the letters for his wall. (reminder to add the sticky squares to the list of things to buy so I can hang his letters and other wall art) Maybe I should end the fight between the 3 year old and the dogs. Nah, I'll let her keep chasing them around and around the house. It's entertaining for me, and tires her out and gets the dogs some exercise as well.

3 wonderful years of us... (before our delicious evening ALONE with a fabulous Olive Garden dinner.. ahh I love some heart attack on a plate known as fettuchini alfredo <3)


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