Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hmm, I see it's been awhile.. No, actually, too long. I haven't written since BEFORE my son was born? Wow, talk about a slacker. Sheesh!

Well anyways, welcome back. For those of you reading for the first time, Hello!

I thought it might be therapeutic to start blogging again. Some days you just gotta let it all out! Mostly, I just want to start blogging again so I'm not bitching my husband's ear off about mindless crap usually pertaining to work. Poor guy's heard enough of my job in the past week to last him a lifetime!

Speaking of my job- don't get me wrong- I love it! Teaching is what I've always wanted to do. For the first time in my life, I actually WANT to go to work, and NOT just to get away from whining children (especially since I teach whiny children..) I have such a great team where I work. I mean, where else will your boss refer to you as nipples? :) Anyway, when I last stopped blogging I was working retail. Man I hatttteeeeddd retail. So glad to be out of that world and have my foot in the door and going to school!

The children.. Ahh, my children. The snot nosed smiling screaming bundles of joy that I gave birth to...

Elizabeth is 4 3/4, going on 16. She's been deemed ''too smart'' for preschool, proficient in all areas, and hard to attain goals for because she knows everything. Miss SmartyPants. That's my girl <3 She's a firey redhead with a stubborn attitude, but is as sweet as pie. She'll be 5 on April 17th and has told me she wants a "Rapunzel party" where she wears a purple dress and has long flowy blonde hair. Want to know how to get long hair? Ask Liz.. "You need to eat the crusts of your peanut butter and jelly.. but I don't like crusts, and that's why my hair isn't long like Rapunzel's mommy!" And there you have it folks.. the key to 'long flowy hair' is to eat your peanut butter and jelly crusts!

Jacob is 19 months old, and hitting the terrible 2's already! He's a screamer, a kicker, and a thrower. Totally the 180 of Lizzy! That boy has one hell of an arm on him and can kick a ball almost as far as I can! He's a rough and tumble little ball of terror that melts right into your arms when you scold him for anything. He's on a language boom- with his 2 newest words being "Flowee" (flower) and "Ah-Oh" (apple). He's one sweet little guy but if you take something from him or tell him no, sit back and watch the tantrum unfold. After a few minutes of laying on the floor kicking and screaming he gets up and goes on his merry way as if nothing happened. He's losing his baby 'fat' and is turning into a lean mean eating machine! He's already eating us out of house and home but when he's full, watch out. You might end up wearing his dinner if you're sitting near him (as his dear godfather found out and ended up with a neck full of mashed potatoes)

Anyway, welcome back into my silly crazy life. There's been lots of ups and downs in the past year and a half since I've blogged, and I'm sure there's MANY more to come! Such is life, right?