Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Years Resolutions?

Who really makes and sticks to New Year resolutions? I know every year I attempt to make some resolution I know I'll never keep. Usually it's "This year I vow to never put another fatty food into my mouth and I'll lose enough weight to be a supermodel". Well this year, it's different. I don't even have 'lose weight' in my actual resolution list. I know it'll never happen, so why set myself up for horrid disappointment?

My actual list:
-Be nicer to the kids.
-Not use my cellphone as much.
-Stop worrying about every little detail. If something goes wrong, oh well.
-Be a better wife.
-Be more frugal.
-Take a family vacation.
-Take a picture a day.
-Blog more. It might help my mood swings!

I think they're all pretty attainable goals. Easy enough to follow and make happen. Let's see how it goes! I've already started the picture a day, and it's going quite well. Hopefully I keep up with it. I think it'd be fun to look back at the year on December 31st and see exactly how much the kids have grown and changed.

Tonight daddy has to work a late shift, so I planned on making English muffin pizzas for dinner with the kids. I'm sure Liz will get a kick out of being a chef and designing her own pizza. Jake will probably eat half of it before I get it in the oven. After dinner and baths, we'll all snuggle down with a big bowl of popcorn and watch a movie. I'm excited for a kids only night. Maybe I'll even put the cell on silent so it can't distract me!

Speaking of the kids.. Jake is in the process of breaking all of Lizzy's crayons for fun. I'll have to end this for now. *sigh*

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