Sunday, March 17, 2013

It's been awhile..

Wow, way to take a seriously long hiatus from blogging! I think it might be therapeutic to start up again. We'll see how long this one lasts :)

Today's the day we get to go see Sesame Street Live! So glad I won tickets a few weeks ago on the radio. Never won anything on the radio in my life. Jake's excited, but Lizzy's too "old" and isn't very thrilled to go. It's about time we do something for Jacob.

We went to see the Easter Bunny yesterday. I really wish I would have saved my $27, the pictures came out horrible. Really bad quality. I was not impressed at all. We took them to McDonald's to see the bunny and their picture came out 10x better for only $3. You live and learn I guess. 

I can't believe Easter is only 2 weeks away. Yeah it's early this year but where is the year going already? Halfway through March? YIKES!! Speaking of that, in exactly a month my baby girl will be 7. 7 years old. Only 3 more years until the double digits. How in the hell did that happen? Wasn't I just about to give birth a year ago or so? I can't even comprehend this. The time seriously flew by and it makes me sick to my stomach. I only have another few years before she hates me and I'm not the cool mom anymore :( 

I have a mountain of laundry on the bed that's calling my name. I guess I should get that folded and put away since the fairy obviously got lost in transit to my house. 

Will update later with pictures from SSL!!