Friday, February 4, 2011

Maximum Fudge

You may be scratching your head asking what the hell I mean by "Maximum Fudge". Well, we're adopting a cute little boy beagle from a shelter around here. Lizzy's extatic! First, she wanted to name him "Fudge". She got the name from Nick Jr where a little girl names her dog Fudge and throws him a birthday party when he turns '1'. Now it's "MAX!!!!" because she's obsessed with the Grinch, and she watched it the other night. Me, I think Fudge is effing adorable, but she's persistant on Max. My cute little play on it is just "Maximum Fudge" Fitting for a brown and white beagle, no? He got neutered today and we should be able to get him tomorrow, granted the weather cooperates.

They're calling for more snow, and ICE tomorrow. Great!

Speaking of snow and ice, Tuesday was a snow storm for us, and Wednesday brought ice. Lots of ice. I got up to do my normal 7am pee break on Wednesday morning and saw a great message saying "Treasure House- Closed- All center" WOOT WOOT! First time in about 19-20 years they actually closed for an entire day. How sweet was that? I had Monday off for no heat, and Wednesday due to ice. Thank you, Mother Nature, for your assault on NEPA!

Who's excited for the Super Bowl?! I AM! Wanna know why? I love eating great snacky food for dinner and watching hilarious make-no-sense commercials. Personally I could give a rats tootie who wins, as long as I have wings, pizza, and some good wine coolers! I guess the Steelers will be my rootin' for team, since I live in PA and all. The one thing I Don't get thought? That Steelers Terrible Towel. I mean, wtf is it for? Can someone PLEASE enlighten me!?

On a happy note, I finally went and spent my giftcard to good ole' Victoria's Secret tonight. I was putting it off, but I could hold off no longer. It was burning a hole in my wallet! I realllly wanted to go to the one on Montage Mountain because it's huge. 6pm came though and I said eff it, I'll go to the local one at the mall. 20 minutes of driving is too much for me at 6, lol. I picked up a super cute pair of sweatpants and really doubted myself because they were a size "L" but I tried them on anyway. I could hardly belive my eyes when I pulled them on and THEY FIT! Hallelujia! The only problem is they're low rise, and I'm NOT a low rise girl. It's taking a bit of getting used to to having my butt in low rise sweatpants. But hey, they're a really nice pink and look lovely :) I got some undies and some DELICOUS perfume as well (Pink- All My Love). Gotta love gift cards =)

On a severely unhappy note- I slammed the tip of my pointer finger in the door at work today. I mean slammed, hard. Ice only made it hurt worse, but I kept it on anyway. It still hurts everytime I hit a key. Wah. Look at me and my clumsy-ness. Clumsiness? Ehh, whichever.

And as I realized the other night, Hubby's turning the big 3-0 on the 24th of this month. What to do? Probably just his favorite restaurant for dinner that night with his birthday buddy. *snicker* ;) More about that later =)

I hope everyone is having a great Friday night. I think I'm gonna go pour a glass of red and watch some Bubble Guppies with my bestie <3